New Hints and Family
A few weeks ago I received an email from someone who thought I may have been related distantly to his wife. Yes I did have her grandfather listed in my tree so another family link. I phoned him as my computer was in the shop and I was anxious to make the connection.
Yesterday I got a small parcel of photos in the mail. They were mainly postcards but had John Woodhead's shop seen in a few of them. There was one of his house, his grave, his son's house in Beechworth and even one of John playing the piano and his daughter with a violin.
Even better was there were notes on these postcards and Peter has kindly transcribed these.
Now I have more research to do. Who are some of the people mentioned in the postcards and who lived in Bendigo, and "Thistlebank".
There was a mention of going to the Theatre Royal to see "Revenge" Thanks to Trove there is a mention of the opening of this play so able to put an approximate date to it. Unfortunately most of these do no appear to be signed so not sure who these are from when they mention Aunts, cousins etc.
I am sure this will be sorted in time and I am hoping that maybe they will be able to name some of my mystery photos.